Tom Burgis’ Kleptopia (William Collins) soared 4,947% in volume in the week the High Court threw out a libel case against the author and publisher HarperCollins, brought by mining giant ENRC. Kleptopia knocked its HarperCollins stablemate, Cathy Glass’ Neglected, from the Paperback Non-fiction top spot, selling 5,350 copies. The Russian invasion of Ukraine seems to have also prompted Tim Marshall’s titles to jump in sales, with The Power of Geography (Elliott & Thompson) rising 8.5% in volume week on week and 2016’s Prisoners of Geography improving 25%. Catherine Belton’s Putin’s People (William Collins) continued to rise, jumping a further 57% week on week after a 343% leap a week ago. The title climbed to eighth place in Paperback Non-fiction.
Dr Julie Smith’s Why Did Nobody Tell Me This Before? (Michael Joseph) brought the nine-week streak of Kay and Kate Allinson’s Pinch of Nom Comfort Food (Bluebird) in the Hardback Non-fiction number one to an end, beating it to the top by 459 copies. Baking blogger Eloise “Fitwaffle” Head’s Baking it Easy (Ebury) sold like hot cakes, debuting in third place.