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Stream 2: Westminster Suite and Online

Life Lessons podcast LIVE!

Mon Nov 27, 202316:00 - 16:40Westminster Suite and On-Demand
David Shelley
Simon Mundie
Life Lessons Podcast
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Simon Mundie, whose Life Lessons Podcast has over 65k downloads per episode and over 3m downloads per year, is to do a live recording with Hachette UK c.e.o. David Shelley, where the pair will discuss publishing, leadership and, of course, innovation in a time of change. From next year Shelley is to step up into a new role as c.e.o. of Hachette Book Group in the US, making this event particularly timely and important. Shelley will now preside over both the UK and US businesses, at a time when their parent company is to be acquired by a new owner, the French media group Vivendi. 

Stream 2: Thames Suite and On Demand